Tutorial: Updating the Authorized Users for an Encapsulated Encrypted Data Set
This describes how to add and remove authorized users for an existing encapsulated data set. The same initial conditions are assumed.
Update the public key file
To add a new authorized user, append their identifier and public key to the file data-test/src/main/resources/uk/ac/standrews/cs/data/authorized_keys.txt
To remove an authorized user, delete their identifier and public key from the same file. Obviously, if you remove your own key then you will no longer be able to access the data. Perhaps less obviously, you will not be able to make further changes to the list of authorized users.
Regenerate the encrypted versions of the symmetric key
Re-generate the encrypted versions of the AES key using the updated authorized user list, from within the ciesvium root directory:
src/main/scripts/re-encrypt-aes-key.sh ../data-test/src/main/resources/uk/ac/standrews/cs/data/authorized-keys.txt ../data-test/src/main/resources/uk/ac/standrews/cs/data/encrypted-key.txt